NFTs for in-game utilization

Pre-Game Load Screen

Upon clicking the "Play" button, players are directed to a pre-game load screen. Here, players can perform the following actions:

  • Connect Wallet: Players can connect their blockchain wallets to the game, allowing them to use their NFTs within the game.

  • Select NFTs: Players can choose which NFTs from their collection they want to use in the game. The total NFT inventory slots available are as follows:

    • 8 slots for Elite 8 NFTs (8 NFTs)

    • 4 slots for 4 Horsemen NFTs (4 NFTs)

    • 3 slots for Tanks NFTs (3 NFTs)

NFT Inventory Details

Elite 8 Set

Players can use NFTs from the Elite 8 set to enhance their gameplay. Each set consists of the following NFTs:

  • 1 General Rank Trait NFT

  • 1 Lt General Rank Trait NFT

  • 1 Captain Rank Trait NFT

  • 5 Private Rank Trait NFTs

Having a full Elite 8 set provides the following bonuses:

  • 8 extra troops per turn, distributed at the beginning of the turn.

  • Unlock the ability to use 2 extra in-game items.

  • Access to purchase special in-game items via the marketplace (items must be purchased before the game starts).

4 Horsemen Set

The 4 Horsemen NFTs add unique capabilities to a player's strategy. Each set consists of the following NFTs:

  • 1 Bear Rank Trait NFT

  • 1 Bull Rank Trait NFT

  • 1 Rhino Trait NFT

  • 1 Lion Trait NFT

Having a full 4 Horsemen set provides the following bonuses:

  • 5 extra troops per turn.

  • Ability to use up to 1 extra in-game item.

  • Access to purchase special in-game items via the marketplace (items must be purchased before the game starts).


Tanks operate differently from other NFTs. They are not part of a matching set and have unique attributes in the game. Tanks have 10 hit points and can be boosted using in-game items to improve their defensive and offensive capabilities.

  • Players can start with a maximum of 3 tanks.

  • Tanks have unique abilities, such as moving two spaces instead of one and attacking non-adjacent territories.

In-Game Items

Players can use in-game items to gain advantages during gameplay. Some in-game items must be placed before the game starts, while others can be deployed at the beginning or conclusion of a turn.

The details of in-game items, their deployment rules, and their effects will be explained in the tutorial video and further developed as the game progresses.

Disclaimer: Gaming Mechanics Subject to Change

Please be advised that the gaming mechanics and features described in this document or any associated promotional materials are subject to change during the development of the game. While we strive to provide accurate and exciting information about our game's mechanics, it is important to understand that game development is a dynamic process that involves continuous iteration and improvement.

Last updated