Staking Platforms

Our Staking feature is now officially LIVE with WeirdOz Staking Platform! This marks a monumental milestone for our project, and we're absolutely thrilled to share it with you.

Daily Earnings for each Warthog NFT & The Four Horsemen NFT: That's right, each NFT, including those listed on, is actively earning daily $RISK emissions. And here's the best part—it's retroactive, dating back to the mint day!

Warthogs Collection:

Daily Emission Breakdown: As if that wasn't exciting enough, each Warthog NFT will earn a baseline 2,055 $RISK tokens per day. But that's not all! Your earnings will be further boosted by X multipliers, which will be determined by your Discord roles and traits.

The Four Horsemen Collection:

Daily Emission Breakdown: Each of the Four Horsemen NFT will earn a baseline 500 $RISK tokens per day before multipliers.

Last updated