
Advertising Revenue Sharing Distribute earnings derived from the game platform's advertising revenue.

Lifetime Royalties NFTs receive 30%, while the remaining 70% is reinvested in advancing the Risk Gaming Project through various developmental initiatives. Sharing from advertising revenue generated on platform.

Lifetime Royalties NFT 5%, Ultimate OG NFT 15%, 80% goes back into Risk Gaming Project for developments

Dex Fee Sharing A share from Dex Fees traded on the tool platform.

The Lifetime Royalties NFTs and Ultimate OG NFTs collectively receive 40%, with an additional 10% allocated to the Super OG Discord Role. The remaining 50% is reinvested in the Risk Gaming Project to support ongoing developmental endeavors.


Revenue sharing fees will be disbursed quarterly.

Risk Gaming Project reserves the right to modify and change at any given moment without prior notice.

To stay informed about the latest updates regarding revenue percentage changes, we encourage you to join our Discord platform. We will regularly share important announcements and keep the community up-to-date on any adjustments made to the revenue distribution.

Last updated